Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Why having certain kind of leaders matter

Because of this impeachment business, it seems to me that there is a reason why the country needs certain kinds of people, namely sane levels headed white men to lead.

Why did impeachment happen? Because the House went to the Democrats and there are a lot of angry women, particularly the “women of color” who were upset that America didn’t continue on the same socialist path that Obama set it on in 2009. Yes there are men who have contributed to this like Jerry Nadler and Stent Hoyer, but it’s mostly women and people of color behind this.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Why Francesa leaving is a big deal

Yesterday Longtime WFAN radio host aired his final drive time show on Wfan from 3-6:30 pm. In January he will do about a half hour of commentary and also work for

This is a big deal because it’s the end of an era. He worked in radio for more than 30 years and in television before Wfan, working at CBS sports from 1977-1992.

Most of the current group of journalists are amateur and juvenile compared with him.

I’ll have more later.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Fox News Superior to other networks

Despite the somewhat leftward tilt in tha last few years because of the Roger Ailes scandal as well as Lachlan Murdoch having more of a say in programming, Fox News is still much better than NBC CBS and ABC.

I’m watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade and watching Savannah Guthrie host the parade. She doesn’t strike me as particularly smart or pretty. Andrea Tantaros, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Sandra Smith, etc. are geniuses compared to her. Now I know why I don’t watch NBC or ABC anymore.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Why women sports reporters ruins sports and Men

This is going to be a long and controversial rant about women sports reporters.

In today’s world we have a large number of women sports reporters. Some people like it some people don’t. I am not a fan of women sports reporters particularly as a career. I will explain why.

I don’t think that this kind of profession when it’s done right, is one that isn’t conducive for long term satisfaction for women. Yes they can obtain the skills to do this job, but the professor and the locker room culture works against them.

This doesn’t mean that they can’t do the job or can’t learn about sports. I just don’t think it’s a long term career for them. Work for a few years, make some money and then go teach about it in college or graduate school.

Additionally, I think to a certain extent there is a similarity between pro sports and the military. Very male-dominated and structured.

Most of the women who are hired by the teams or news outlets are either Tom boys (girls with male likes and or tendencies) or groupies who were former models and athletes who want a piece of the action. Regardless their presence in our realm is something that I can do without.

I’m not interested in giving them a seat at the table because I’d I do that means that we have to completely redo the broadcast and the way sports is done. You women reporters represent a small fraction of women, many other women are fine doing other things and not turning sports into a social laboratory experiment.

Monday, November 11, 2019


A little bit of background about me.

I’m in my late forties. I grew up when sports was leisure or recreation and not a business or industry.

You didn’t have to fill every available moment on the air with useless statistics  and other nonsense.

I don’t expect to be following professional sports in my fifties. I’m too old and not interested in what they are expected to do to appease their sponsors.

Thankfully I’m married with a good job and have many other things to fill my day. It’s a nice hobby but nothing more. Now it’s politicized and everything is scrutinized.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

An unprofessional baseball team

How can a city have a Major League Baseball team and yet seem unprofessional ? If you have been a member of the ownership group or executive branch of the Seattle Mariners and haven’t made the playoffs in nearly 20 years, that’s how.

The definition of professionalism is”the competence or skill expected of a professional “. Competently run franchises should be able to make the playoffs every three or four years.

What to do about it? Hire new people and not yes men or yes people.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Failure of leadership in Washington State leads to Anti-Semitism

Based on the fact that there is no leadership in the state of Washington just followers of the Democrat Party. Similar to living in the Iron Curtain many years ago.
What is popular leads to an atmosphere of letting the bad guys win.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Why I support Trump (or why I don’t vote Democrat)

People will ask you from time to time, “How can you support Trump? He’s a bigot, misogynist, etc” he’s caused the fringe right to feel comfortable attacking synagogues etc.

I have voted Republican since 1992. I was I. College then and I voted for George H W Bush over the eventual winner Bill Clinton. In Judaism and other walks of life, we have something called a team or community. I’m a member of the GOP team so therefore I vote for its mantle bearer, good bad or indifferent. I voted for Dole and McCain and Romney. All of them lost to Clinton and Obama.

In the old days I might have considered voting Democrat if they had Sam Nunn or Zeli Miller is Joe Lieberman as their nominee. Sadly, that isn’t the case.

The Republicans have to start taking on the culture and the blue state democrats and SJW’s in a hurry.

Additionally, any RINO who criticizes Trump but not the Democrats is a person who should lose his or her job and influence. These people are selfish ballhogs and ego centric who only care about their power.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

NHL in big trouble

In my opinion, the NHL is in big trouble in finding a niche or an audience in the United States. This despite the fact that very few Canadian teams are good anymore, Why is this the case?

1) fans relate to stars not teams, the NBA and NFL create stars and superstars.

2) The NHL whether fair or not is perceived as an old stodgy white male dominated league that is stuck in past similar to baseball. By contrast, the NBA is young modern and hip.

3) Espn ignoring or having nothing to do with the NHL was the death knell starting in 2004-05.

How to fix it?

One new younger leadership at all levels of the sport,

Two shorten the season not going to happen but worth it.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Houston failed

The Houston Tockets are a colossal failure because they have won a whole bunch of games the last five years but haven’t made it to the NBA finals or won a championship. They lost to Golden State last night losing the series in 6 games 4 to 2. If I owned the team, I would IMMEDIATELY fire Daryl Morey, the alleged GM of the team who put together this roster and Mike D’Antoni, who somehow gets to coach a bench of teams without being asked to win a title.

Just like the Oklahoma City Thunder, the stars of the Rockets are too consumed with their personal statistics at the expense of the team goals. Harden can’t lead a team to a title. He isn’t wired that way.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

A tribute to a broadcasting legend and the rigors of Journalism

A friend or a good sports acquaintance passed away last week. His name was Chet Coppock. He would have turned 71 next week.

Chet was a broadcaster from high school/ college until his death although it was harder for him to get jobs in his later years as too many teams and stations want yes men or yes people.

He was funny and entertaining, even controversial. Sports is entertainment after all, although if you watch some people or listen to some blowhards it’s bigger than life.

The sports journalism business or field is a hard and tough one. It’s a grind and the hours are long and  it seems to never end. It isn’t conducive to having a normal social or family life.

Here’s a message to all of the women sports journalists today. This is a hard business to make a mark in. Chet Coppock did. If men criticize you, part of it is that some of us know the top journalists and what it took to reach their level. You’re allowed to enter the field, but that doesn’t mean you will be one of the legends or long tenured ones.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Should the players walk out of spring training

It’s a question I have thought about since the intransigence of the teams to give players any large deals. Maybe they should walk out of spring training to tell the owners that they are pissed off at the, for being a bunch of cheap skates and skinflints. Should they walk out of spring training and go on strike? Maybe.