Thursday, November 29, 2012

Failure of Conservatives/Republicans

Based on the election results of a few weeks ago, I have come to some conclusions.

Why Sean Hannity and other Conservatives on Fox News should be Fired

Sean Hannity, as the unofficial leader of the anti-Obama crowd at Fox News, spent the last four years trying to get rid of Barack Obama. He did tons of stories and promoted guests dedicated to make Obama a one-term president. He promoted a few guests and candidates who proved to be worthless. Ultimately, this election showed that he has no influence and no one can take him seriously. He can not be trusted with a Television show, because it is a) unbalanced b) boring and tedious and c) his side lost.
I think that Hannity's time slot should be filled by a younger hipper host, someone like Greg Gutfeld.

What applies to Sean Hannity, applies to Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin as well. Your message didn't sell and you're too old to change. Bring in some younger fresh blood.

We should NEVER see Karl Rove again. We probably shouldn't see Newt Gingrich again either and same for a lot of the Bush 43 advisers because they helped sink the GOP.

Perhaps we need some more Libertarians or libertarian-leaning people, with some strong defense and national security people.

Monday, November 12, 2012

My political beliefs

I have voted Republican ever since I was old enough to vote, which was in 1992, when I was in college. I used to be more "socially conservative", now I'm socially moderate.

Here's what is important to me.

1) As a Jew, it is essential that America stands with Israel and supports it through thick and thin. Israel is surrounded by 20 countries who want to "drive it into the sea". The Republicans are more on Israel side than are the Democrats.

2) Fiscal reasons or budget. The Republicans are better about sticking to a budget than are the Democrats.

3) National Security and the Military: The Republicans back the military and the mission of the military and its' local National Guards to a much greater extent than the Democrats do.

4) Traditional values. While no party or human is perfect or even saintly, the Republicans in some fashion try to stick to traditional values. It isn't a great idea to shove same-sex marriage down regular folks' throats. If there are people who are attracted to members of their own gender, that's fine, but don't ask the rest of your society to foot the bill.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Washington Elected two worst candidates

The State of Washington elected the two least-qualified human beings to the position of Governor and Attorney General this week. Jay Inslee was elected Governor and Bob Ferguson was elected Attorney General. As best as I can tell, their qualifications consisted of a) being Democrats b) having a Law Degree and c) being bland enough to not say anything too controversial.

These two human beings are so INFERIOR to Rob McKenna and Reagan Dunn that it is mind-boggling how they got elected.

Any Jew in Washington State who voted for these two individuals has a lot of explaining to do to me.

We, people of the "Book" should be savvy enough to know that Rob McKenna and Reagan Dunn are much more qualified for the positions of Governor and Attorney General. Instead these "People of the Book" voted for the party above the individual. What a shame.

Josh Normand