Tuesday, April 23, 2019

A tribute to a broadcasting legend and the rigors of Journalism

A friend or a good sports acquaintance passed away last week. His name was Chet Coppock. He would have turned 71 next week.

Chet was a broadcaster from high school/ college until his death although it was harder for him to get jobs in his later years as too many teams and stations want yes men or yes people.

He was funny and entertaining, even controversial. Sports is entertainment after all, although if you watch some people or listen to some blowhards it’s bigger than life.

The sports journalism business or field is a hard and tough one. It’s a grind and the hours are long and  it seems to never end. It isn’t conducive to having a normal social or family life.

Here’s a message to all of the women sports journalists today. This is a hard business to make a mark in. Chet Coppock did. If men criticize you, part of it is that some of us know the top journalists and what it took to reach their level. You’re allowed to enter the field, but that doesn’t mean you will be one of the legends or long tenured ones.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Should the players walk out of spring training

It’s a question I have thought about since the intransigence of the teams to give players any large deals. Maybe they should walk out of spring training to tell the owners that they are pissed off at the, for being a bunch of cheap skates and skinflints. Should they walk out of spring training and go on strike? Maybe.