Sunday, January 8, 2023

Why I won’t watch hockey

While I used to like the sport, after the black eye and scandal of the Brad Aldrich affair has caused irreparable harm and damage to the sport.  Yes certain people lost their job. However the NHL response was inadequate and insufficient as far as addressing this scandal and the Buck should stop with Gary Bettman and until he resigns or retires (given his age that is a possibility), no meaningful change will come to this sport.

It is not enough for the major players in the scandal on Chicago to lose their jobs and not get jobs in hockey. I believe with a fair amount of certainty that Bettman and the suits in the NHL office knew something about this scandal or potential issue but  didn’t do anything on it until it was too late.

The point is that the NHL has a major cultural and leadership problem with the good old boys club who protect each other and Bettman and Daly are part of it whether they like to admit it or not. For all of the hockey diehard fans who tolerate this nonsense I don’t know what to say. Get out of the sport and if enough people stop watching then they will get the message.

What is the point of watching a sport that is run by Neanderthal men who make cosmetic changes and won’t take the time or energy to really address the issues? The sport needs new leadership and vision. Bettman has been there too long. Time for a younger voice and vision.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

RINO savior

 A question for all of the Karl Rove types who populate the GOP establishment and don’t want Trump to run again. Who is your savior or proverbial White Knight in shining armor for 2024? 

Liz Cheney, Jeb Bush, Larry Hogan , Lindsey Graham? Please tell me.

So far not very good from your crowd in thwarting Biden’s pathetic regime and agenda.