Thursday, December 30, 2021

Why Dhillon and Duddridge should be canned

The reason why Kieran Dhillon and Natalie Duddridge of CBS 2 news in New York should be canned to dismissed is because they are from Canada and as such can not be objective about the role of government. Canadians are generally socialist in nature and too trusting of their government. Just look at the reverence that they have for their prime minister Justin Trudeau. Have these two Canadians ever heard of Rush Limbaugh or William F. Buckley? No. As such they aren’t  objective and are mouthpieces for de Blasio, Hochul and the ruling Democratic Socialist party.  We need objective reporters not mouthpieces for the city and stAte. Spectrum news does that already. Maybe hire some one like me or from Fox News.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Endless mandates and emergency powers

 The recent re imposition of the indoor mask mandate by interim Governor Kathy Hochul who thinks that she’s Eva Peron is a reminder about emergency powers can be used for an indeterminate length of time. As such, she will not get my vote next year and I will work to defeat her if the New York GOP can get its act together. All of these governors and mayors love health emergencies because it gives them power to enact rules around the traditional way of passing laws which is through the legislative bodies of the city or state. This is pathetic. That is why Warren Wilhelm De Blasio is so dangerous. He thinks that he’s smarter than us and can enact whatever he wants without fear or reprisal.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

GOP problems

 One big problem is having some of the airheads in the party such as Sarah Palin dominate the public perception. Why she was allowed to be Vice President is beyond me. It set us back a decade or so. Also having Sean Hannity on Fox News Channel without a college degree and a gung ho simplistic approach to journalism has damaged us. Get rid of him 

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Two useless commentators at the Examiner

 While I like the Washington Examiner I have very little use for Salena Zito and Kimberly Ross. Salena Zito thinks that small town America is more authentic than the big cities. Kimberly Ross is too preachy and is too fixated on Trump. I would love to debate her. She is useless.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Dumbing down a generation

 It seems to me, that despite advances in technology and medicine we are much dumber and have poorer quality information, “journalists” and elected officials. No wonder people are susceptible to socialist ideas. I will elaborate another time. 

Thursday, November 4, 2021

What I would do if I ran sports

 One of the things that I would is discourage women from being sports reporters. The reason is not because they are not intellectually qualified which they are. It is because they are either a) groupies and attractive women who want to date or get near jocks, b) ultra feminists who want to remake society or c) lesbians or other non straight heterosexual types who want the major sports leagues to accommodate them.  What sports should be is an escape for men to be men in an endeavor which isn’t life and death like serving in the military like Iraq 🇮🇶 Vietnam 🇻🇳 etc. Sadly this is not the case.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Tom Ricketts and greed behind downfall

 The fact that the Cubs had to dismantle the team and trade away their stars last week is the fault largely of their cheap owner Tom Ricketts. He was cheap and chintzy with Kris Bryant and they traded him to San Francisco. Don’t show up to the ballpark after they come back from Denver. 

Also we need a strike in order to level the playing field. Owners and executives are getting away with under paying players.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Fatal flaw in hockey and baseball

 While they are nice sports the fatal flaw is the fact that those sports promote the team over the individual and unless you have a historic franchise in the finals it has limited appeal to the non diehard fan. I’ll elaborate later 

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Progressives dominate public discussion

 How come the independents and opposition are nowhere to be found at the local levels in the east and west coasts ? This is why the country  had moved from the center to the left. The right has abandoned the large sections of the country that are dominated by the left. All of the issues are about education climate change LGBT rights etc.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Propagandists on television

 The cbs 2 anchors at 9:00 pm Kristine Johnson, Maurice DuBois and Dick (Richard) Brennan are propagandists who would fit in well in Moscow. They are good at telling one side of the story. They aren’t intellectually honest and how a reputable news organization has them employed at high salaries is beyond me. That’s why we need alternative sources of information like Fox News and Newsmax. Additionally how much seriousness or gravitas can one give to journalists who went to The University of Nebraska and Fordham. Let’s not confuse them with Columbia, NYU or Stanford.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Random thoughts

 While sports is less a part of my life now, I still have some opinions on it.

1) in order for hockey to expand at all the best player in the sport can not be in Edmonton. If that means trading him so be it.

2) Can the MLB owners fire or remove Manfred for dereliction of duty and dragging politics into the game?

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Where is the opposition to de Blasio

 How come none of the New York press whether television or newspapers come out publicly against him and tell him that he’s a Marxist and unfit to govern a big American city? Fox News can’t do everything. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Goodbye baseball

 Say goodbye to the former national pastime as well as hockey. These sports are minor sports now and will be irrelevant in five years .

Monday, January 18, 2021

Independent thought

 Maybe it’s time to not belong to a party so that I can make decisions without being goaded or pressured to vote for X because all of the people I like to such and such pundit says so. It’s a good idea.