Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Jewish naïveté on race

If there’s one thing that drives me up the wall it’s naïveté by my fellow Jews on race and politics. Predictably after the Floyd death everyone denounced racism etc and they have to “stand in solidarity with the protestors”. You are too stupid and simple to understand that this is bigger than race this is about overthrowing the government and the rulers and they’re using the Floyd death to do so.

Why do we have to be so gullible and Sanctimonious about race? Want to help blacks and other disenfranchised people? Do this, talk to them like regular people and help them get ahead.  Stop with the well intentioned symposiums and soul searching. We may have flaws but we don’t deserve to be punished like this where on top of the unconstitutional stay at home order and draconian restrictions on our work and lives we have anarchy. Also the police are handicapped by the state rules on arrests.

This is what happens when you elected a radical like Barack Obama for two terms and the exposure that he had to Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers and Franklin Davis. These people have no Hakarat HaTov (gratitude) towards this country. Many of these young “protestors” have been influenced by Obama and other radicals in schools from age 6 through college. The protestors or agitators are not just “African American” though some of them are. A large percentage are from academia and the privileged backgrounds.

Tough love is needed now. We need to show them the examples of the David Clarke’s and Candace Owens’ and Colonel Allen West’s of the world. They can be an example to all people black brown purple etc. Both of us have work to do. We will be patient and understanding and they need better leaders and to get rid of the bad leaders who are trying to profit from their dependence on them for votes and meager livelihoods.

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