Sunday, December 27, 2020

What November showed

 November election of Biden showed that people rejected Trump the person. However they also don’t care for Socialist policies which explains some of the GOP gains in the House.

One other thing, as much as Trump has been rejected by the country, the Rinos have also been rejected as leaders of the country. They may get their “junior partner” status of certain pro teams and defense contracts through in DC but they aren’t able to lead. If people loved Rinos then Kasich would be president which is doubtful. I know that Hogan Baker and DeWine run Maryland Massachusetts and Ohio. If they will be replaced soon.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

GOP going through way of the Whigs

 Given their performance this year it’s an interesting question. How can they be taken seriously after this year and their abdication of responsibility about the lockdown and riots this year ?

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Resignation from the GOP

 As of today Sunday November 8, 2020 I Joshua Normand do hereby resign from the GOP. The Republican Party has done a poor job in representing me and my values as well as trying to gain more followers so I hereby resign so I can have independent thought.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Having a full team

 In order for one organization to win everyone has to be pulling together. Politically speaking it seems that The Democrats are all on the same page and the Republican Party is not. There’s more to say but that is the crux of the matter.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Why doesn’t anyone stop this mayor

 I fail to understand why NO ONE IN New York City is willing to confront this disgusting repulsive mayor of ours on any issue and tell him to get lost. In addition to the quarantine and lockdown and mask mandates he now wants to block the sale of the baseball team to a billionaire because the billionaire once donated money to a Chris Christie and had some issues with the SEC.

The news stations here are Pravda and mouthpieces for de Blasio and should be fired Immediately.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Sick of election and GOP

 I am so disgusted with the GOP that I won’t vote for at least two years. I cast my vote already.

The republican party is a useless sack of beans. They did nothing to stop the lockdowns and tyrannical rules that the Marxist Democrats imposed on us and also did nothing to stop the violence and looting after George Floyd in June.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Lockdown shows GOP inept

 This lockdown shows that the GOP in many parts of the country is inept and ill equipped to deal with today’s radical socialist Democratic Party. After the Democrats win the Triple Crown, meaning the White House, Congress and the Senate many many old war horses are going to have to be sacked or there will be a new party to deal with this Marxist menace.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Yankees no longer elite

 After this pathetic display against the Tampa Bay Rays, the Yankees are no longer elite. The fact that the manager and General Manager haven’t been fired or exiled to Japan shows how much they are complacent and self satisfied. It’s one thing for Seattle and Colorado to be like this. another for thE premier baseball team to act in a smug manner.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Borough park problem

 There’s a problem going on with all of the Hasidim and Hareidim in Brooklyn and Queens who pack Shuls and are under lockdown now. They didn’t wear masks and are suffering the consequences.

1) message to the Hasidim and Hareidim who don’t wear masks. If we Modern Orthodox Jews can do it in other parts of the NYC metropolitan area why can’t you? 

2) to the Upper West and East Side Orthodox Jews who voted for De Blasio and Cuomo. You may want to reconsider supporting those individuals. They are TYRANTS. They want to control people.

3) to the Reform And Non Orthodox (trying not to be judgmental). While we know that your religion is Secular liberalism, please be mindful that for a couple of more years that we Orthodox live here and would like to practice our religion here until we can move to Israel. Once we leave then you can turn the US until a completely socialist secular state.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Should everyone vote?

 Lately people have been going berserk saying that they want to vote because of George Floyd, the virus and Trump and the Republicans etc. Here is an unpopular opinion. Maybe not everyone should vote if they aren’t educated on the issues.

There was a wise old conservative columnists named Charley Reese who years ago thought that it wasn’t a good idea for everyone to vote. His feeling was that there is no point in letting ignoramuses and morons vote and an evil myth. The purpose of voting is to elect men and women of competence and integrity to operate the mechanics of government fixed by the Constitution.

Given the state of affairs in many places in the USA maybe this is worth considering. I don’t know why so many people are allowed to vote and considered to be experts on public policy.  Well good luck.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Why I’m ignoring debates

I consciously chose to avoid the debate last night, number one we all know that people are rooting for Biden and the Socialists to win. Two it wasn’t dignified.

More importantly it’s about time that we throw out the Socialist and Marxist mayors and governors like de Blasio and Lightfoot and Bowser. They are horrendous human beings and dictators and Marxists who should be thrown out or captured.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Live and let live

 I saw that whole bunch of people are upset over the death of Former Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg and that the GOP is going to try to replace her before the election and that we should honor her memory.

I don’t agree with her or the other lefties on the Supreme Court. However I don’t dwell on her or the other lefties who want to impose values on my life. Live and let live is my motto. Don’t lecture me about how I should honor her memory. I haven’t really thought about her too much to be honest.  I don’t dwell on Thomas or Alito either.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Canada more like Europe

 Many people consider Canada to be our nicer cousin. While it’s true to an extent they are more risk averse and more like the British and French and other European countries. An example is the Canadian governments refusal to allow an exemption to have the American baseball teams travel to Toronto for the baseball season. They won’t do that but they are happy to have the NHL play in the playoffs in Their bubble cities of Toronto and Edmonton. What that tells me is that they are happy to extend themselves for their sport but not for others. That’s a European mentality. I’d levy sanctions on them.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Republicans need to impeach their governors

 The GOP in the blue states need to do whatever it takes to remove their governors from power PERIOD!

Impeach all of them Pritzker, Cuomo, Lamont, Wolf, Murphy, Newsom, Brown, Inslee, Sislak, Whitmer Northam, Cooper etc. Every god damn one of them is a menace and a tyrant.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Canadians incompetent and inept at hockey

 After this pathetic display of hockey by the Canadian teams in the bubbles of Edmonton and a Toronto I have come to the inescapable conclusion that Canadians are incompetent and inept at hockey in the modern era. How none of their teams are in the final four is beyond me.

They have all of the advantages of playing in their country and they still can’t beat Americans.

How dumb can you be?

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Local television reporting shallow

 The reporting that goes on in many of the local television stations is very shallow and pathetic. CBS 2 New York is particularly egregious in terms of its one sided coverage about the mayor and the virus and government mandates. How the hell did these people become qualified to report news? Where is the balance in their station? Not one conservative or independent at their station. Many women at that network who are glorified eye candy. Get some Republicans on your network.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Leaving sports

 There are some more reasons why I don’t watch as much as I used to. Time required and when the games start are a big turnoff. Also, the number of women and tomboys covering the game turns me off. While I appreciate the fact that women cover and participate in sports, having the Tom boys and “professional women” take away from the male refuge aspect of sports that I associate with masculinity.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Goodbye Professional Sports

 Dear MLB NHL NFL and NBA,

I regret to inform you that I will no longer be watching your games or actively support to your leagues. Your leagues are no longer sports leagues they are political arms of the Democratic Party and BLM.

It was nice to have watched your leagues and games. However I’m too old to get excited over your leagues and it’s time to say goodbye. You don’t provide me with as much joy anymore. It’s a shame.


Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Response to Rabbi Schonfeld

 Recently Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld wrote this screed in The Queens Jewish Link about how Modern Orthodox Jewry is failing and none of their kids learn or go to shul anymore and how his sons Night Seder America has no boys from the Modern Orthodox community. Some of his points are valid some are piling on and wanting Modern Orthodxy to be the junior partner to the Yeshiva world and Agudah Israel.

For one there are a good number of Modern Orthodox kids who do go to shul they just don’t publicize it as much. Some of them learn and make siyumim. Quite frankly this is a tiresome narrative designed to guilt trip the Modern Orthodox crowd into joining Agudah for “salvation” as if we need saving.

Here’s another example of the problem. On New Year’s Day there was the Siyum Hashana held at Met Life Stadium. There were about 90,000 Jews for the siyum or completion of the Talmud on a daily basis. How many Modern Orthodox Rabbis spoke at this event ? I heard that Rabbi Schachter of YU got maybe a minute, that was it. So now Rabbi Schonfeld wants us to fold like a tent and give up and join his movement? Really? We don’t roll like that. 

Modem Orthodox people are diverse with many different ways to learn about Judaism and are also passionate about Israel. We don’t live and die with Agudah or what the rebbe of your local Chasidic community says.

Thankfully I didn’t write this during the Three Weeks as we shouldn’t try to inflame differences between each other. Yet I can’t ignore this attempt to minimize our community.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Newsmax questionable hires

 Newsmax TV wants to be the more conservative alternative to Fox News. They hired Michelle Malkin who is too hot to touch given the fact that she is associated with anti Semitic people and Sean Spicer, who isn’t that bright and was a subpar press secretary for Trump. How can I endorse this network?

More rioting

 Well in addition to all of the “protests” and rioting since the end of May because of George Floyd’s death now we have widespread looting in Chicago along the Magnificent Mile. Lots of looting and mayhem and now the bridges into the downtown area or the Loop are up to prevent people from entering the area. This is heartbreaking and sickening to me. I lived and worked in Chicago years ago. How can people tolerate this and the incompetent mayor Lighfoot or Lightweight? 

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Reason to leave sports

There are a whole host of reasons to leave professional sports. One is that the major leagues and sports have become Politicized and do whatever the LEFT and DNC tell them to support.
Another is that two of the experts that I used to listen to are either retired or not with us anymore. The replacements or survivors in the sports media world are quite frankly unimpressive and basically junior Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddows. 

One was Chet Coppock of Chicago an entertainer and sports personality who worked primarily inChicago

 but spent some time in Milwaukee Indianapolis and even New York City. He enjoyed himself Immensely and didn’t take himself too seriously unlike many of today’s sports journalists who act as if they’re covering the impeachment hearings or the peace talks between the Palestinians and Israelis.

I get the sense that if I did a spoof of Sportscenter and asked an NBA expert If Lebron would win an NBA title with two gay Eskimo teammates what it would do for his legacy as the GOAT, we’d get an answer similar to Obama’s State of the Union Address or his book  Dreams of my Father.

The other was Mike Francesa. He was a top rated host for more than 30 years. He retired to spend more time with his family and maybe run a horse in the Kentucky Derby someday. Now that they’re gone what’s the point of following left wing sports?

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

De Grom overrated

Jacob De Grom of the New York Mets is the ace of their pitching staff and a two time Cy Young Award winner. However as good as he is he’s a six inning pitcher. He has 3 career complete games. How can he be considered elite if he only pitches 5-6 innings a start? Don’t get it.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Citizens versus subjects

In the year 2020, we are no longer citizens or constituents we are subjects. The Coronavirus pandemic or plague has given the governors the perfect excuse to subjugate us to their will and control our every aspect of life from going out in public to work to driving and other forms of transportation. When did we the people agree to be subjugated like this over a plague that is really more of a mild flu? I don’t understand it.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Idle minds produce useless squabbles

One of the by products of the lockdown or shutdown and plunging of millions of Americans into unemployment or reduced hours and wages is lots of idle time. This explains some of the stupid and inane arguments we have in this country and city over monuments, murals, rallies etc. Busy people who are productive and happy (generally speaking) don’t engage in this sort of chatter and nonsense or Bubbea Meises. In Ladino (Judeo-Spanish) which is the language of my mothers parents it’s Bava Jathas.. there’s a stronger term for it but I want to share this post with a wide variety of people.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Covid Coup

Please read this as it explains the whole agenda behind the lockdown and compliance of us “subjects” to our overlords.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Drawing the line

While I will tolerate other points of view, I draw the line at support for white nationalists and anti Semities. If you go anywhere near there, guess what, bye bye Felicia. So if that means that you were one of these columnists and experts on Fox News who likes white nationalism because you want to get back at the open borders like Michelle Malkin does, too bad. I don’t need you in my life and it’s hard enough being a sane Orthodox Jew who doesn’t cave to the left. Don’t make my job harder. I’m sure that there are others like Pat Buchanan and Joe Sonran (who’s deceased). She is the most obvious example. Maybe Ann Coulter but I haven’t cared for Coulter in a long time.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Aliyah for Jews?

Based on the events of the last few months with Coronavirus, social unrest and moral breakdown of the family and community and the Marxist urges of the Mob, maybe it’s time for Frum or Orthodox Jews to consider making Aliyah in the next 12-24 months. Rabbi Berel Wein write a column about how America is undergoing similar disintegration that happened to other empires in world history such as the Roman and Ottoman Empires and the Old Soviet Union. Food for thought on this Erev Shabbos in the Three Weeks after Shiva Assar BiTammuz (17th of Tammuz) when Jerusalem   was sieged by the Romans.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Boycott NY State GOP

I’m considering boycotting the New York State GOP because they have done NOTHING  to stand in the way of the emperor Andrew Cuomo and petty tyrant De Blasio to control the economic engine of New York City and have slowed reopening because “they’re smarter” than us regular folks.

Have any GOP leaders bothered to confront the governor or the mayor on these tyrannical actions? No. So why should I vote for them in November?

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Establishment Republicans and why they annoy me

While I don’t like to air dirty laundry (politically speaking) on public, I do feel that those people who are what I call establishment Republicans or Fair Weather Republicans are part of the problem as well as the Leftists. The main difference is that I know that I disagree with the Leftist and their goals and philosophy. The establishment Republicans talk a good game but don’t back it up and anytime there’s a slight bit of controversy they cave and fold like a tent or cheap umbrella. Perhaps they need to be accepted by their Democratic friends, however If you’re going to be on the team then you need to be committed to the team.  I can’t say that I am going to attend synagogue and then not show up (without a good reason of course).  Same applies to politics.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The new season

Mlb is implementing a season. 60 games.

The following individuals are complete avaricious owners who are responsible for the demise of the sport.

Rob Manfred the commissioner
Bruce Sherman controlling owner of the Miami Marlins
Stuart Sternberg owner of the Tampa Bay Rays
John J Fisher owner of the Oakland Athletics (A’s)
Peter Angelos and sons, Owners of the Baltimore Orioles
Bob Nutting Owner of the Pittsburgh Pirates
Jerry Reinsdorf owner of the Chicago White Sox
John Sherman and David Glass RIP owner and former owner of the Kansas City Royals
Fred Wilpon owner of the Mets

They are cheap and selfish and don’t know how to compete in today’s market.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Sports journalists and papers sections need to be slashed

As we have gone more than three months without real live games I think that the Sports sections of major American newspapers should slash their staff by half.

So if your paper has twenty sportswriters, I’d fire or furlough ten of them. They aren’t necessary right now. Same applies to cable networks like YES, SNY, NBC Sports Chicago and others.

Friday, June 19, 2020

United States of America or two different Americas

I have been wondering recently if we truly are the United States of America  or we are two different countries. One is the country of autocracies and big government and wants to redo are any vestiges of the old country. The other country is Old America which plays by the rules honors tradition and The flag. I live in the former but my heart is in the Old America.

Why don’t the ruling class GOP leaders pushback against all of the demands of the LEFT who wants to eradicate all vestiges and traces of the Old America? Maybe because they are embarrassed to be a part of the Old America and want to be accepted by the DC elites (who also live in NY, Boston and LA).

Monday, June 15, 2020

Law firms I must call out

This blog is dedicated to matters personal and religious, as a general rule. I am making an exception today.

I had served on the Board of NYCPA (New York City Paralegal Association) for a couple of years. However I no longer serve on the Board for a few reasons.
A I got married and Shalom Bayit or marital bliss and harmony is more important than monthly board meetings
B I want to dedicate my time to other things than rogue paralegals

A couple of law firms that I feel are worthy of scorn are Manning Kass et al and Pryor Cashman.

Manning Kass advertised a position at one point for an experienced paralegal however based on the subsequent conversation and “interview process” it was clear that they wanted a less experienced candidate with just enough experience. They wasted time and energy that a simple five to ten minute phone call would have solved. One of these individuals was on this recent board meeting.  He is the president of a sister chapter of NYCPA. They are a big fish in Los Angeles but here in New York they are a smaller fish at best. Professionalism is not their strong suit.

The other firm to call out is Pryor Cashman because two of their “former attorneys” threw Molotov cocktails at the Police the weekend after Memorial Day in the wake of the George Floyd death. While frustration is justified what these cretins did is abhorrent and worthy of life imprisonment or more.

How can any member of that firm, with a shred of decency work for that place. It’s unconscionable to me.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Movies to watch

While movies are normally a subject of personal taste, I feel that the rest of this month I should watch in part Hidden Figures and Glory. My wife and I actually watched Hidden Figures a couple of years ago but in light of recent events,  a refresher is in order. Glory has to do with the first African American soldiers. Both are worth watching.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Divorce from sports

Dear MLB, NHL NBA and NFL,

I regret to inform you that we are headed for an ugly divorce. The reason is that your are no longer sports leagues, you are tools of the LEFTIST Democratic Party. You can no longer be trusted to provide a good product and people who live in accordance with my values.
That concerns me greatly.

It’s a shame because I used to enjoy your leagues. Now you’re a part of the Radical LEFT and the Democratic Party. I can barely discuss the games and statistics in your leagues with my nephews now. These kids are too young to be subjected to this nonsense. It’s extremely disappointing but we are DIVORCING.

Sincerely yours,

Joshua Normand

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Jewish naïveté on race

If there’s one thing that drives me up the wall it’s naïveté by my fellow Jews on race and politics. Predictably after the Floyd death everyone denounced racism etc and they have to “stand in solidarity with the protestors”. You are too stupid and simple to understand that this is bigger than race this is about overthrowing the government and the rulers and they’re using the Floyd death to do so.

Why do we have to be so gullible and Sanctimonious about race? Want to help blacks and other disenfranchised people? Do this, talk to them like regular people and help them get ahead.  Stop with the well intentioned symposiums and soul searching. We may have flaws but we don’t deserve to be punished like this where on top of the unconstitutional stay at home order and draconian restrictions on our work and lives we have anarchy. Also the police are handicapped by the state rules on arrests.

This is what happens when you elected a radical like Barack Obama for two terms and the exposure that he had to Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers and Franklin Davis. These people have no Hakarat HaTov (gratitude) towards this country. Many of these young “protestors” have been influenced by Obama and other radicals in schools from age 6 through college. The protestors or agitators are not just “African American” though some of them are. A large percentage are from academia and the privileged backgrounds.

Tough love is needed now. We need to show them the examples of the David Clarke’s and Candace Owens’ and Colonel Allen West’s of the world. They can be an example to all people black brown purple etc. Both of us have work to do. We will be patient and understanding and they need better leaders and to get rid of the bad leaders who are trying to profit from their dependence on them for votes and meager livelihoods.

Monday, May 25, 2020

How we have strayed from our ancestors

One of the reasons that New York City as well as many urban areas in the USA are in the situation that we’re in, under lockdown shelter in place, etc. is that we have strayed from the Founders vision of this country and elected selfish career politicians and not public servants.

There is no reason why someone should be in office for more than a decade other than it enriches them. The profit motive is too great. Career politicians are not healthy for society.

Also many of the mini emperors who rule their city and state with an iron fist are “nouveau riche” meaning that they’re new to wealth and power and you can see it in their actions. I understand that Andrew Cuomo is the son of Mario Cuomo but most of them are new to it. One of the things the Lori Lightfoot want to do is throw their weight around and show “who’s boss”. This doesn’t work for very long. People get annoyed with this kind of attitude and resent the bossy types.

I don’t know how New Yorkers are going to react to the continued shutdown. I have started to walk outside a lot more in the last few weeks and will put the mask on when in a store or other place of business. However if it’s sunny outside I don’t fully cover unless I’m near an elderly person. The sun is a good cleanser of the virus.

One last note, for those whom disagree with me on the lockdown. I’m beginning to lose patience with you and if you’re not a relative of mine or someone who I owe deference to, I may discontinue our friendship. The country has lost over 35 million jobs in 2-3 months. Not everyone has a job that they can work from home on a consistent basis. Certain professions dictate being in the place of business consistently and you can’t work on a computer. Restaurants theater and hospitality places need their employees to be present at work.

Have a good Memorial Day.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Are we cowards

I don’t ask this question lightly however the longer this lockdown goes one maybe we do need to tell our “mini emperors” to go to hell and even risk being cited for going against the lockdown.

On the one hand I want to obey the rules. However I don’t want to give these people more power than necessary. My fellow Jews who meekly go along with these lockdowns are naive or misguided.

Dear God give us strength and courage to face the tyrants who pose as leaders who have duped us into a police state.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Separating from the community

I’m going to ask a very controversial question. Given the fact that I don’t expect many of the areas with large Jewish populations to “open up” for anything resembling a minyan for a month or two (or longer) can a shul in a red state or city open up or should open up and also is one obligated to be a sitting duck if he or she has the means to escape or is that being    מפריש מן הציבור?
If one does leave ones residence for 3 months until the lockdown order is rescinded and then returns to ones original residence should any communal body discipline or censure this person?

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Purpose of synagogue and communal prayer

In light of what is going on we need to rethink fundamentally what is the purpose of prayer and communal gatherings. Is it to pray to God seriously? Is it to gather socially?

I try to pray for it’s sake when possible. Therefore the social aspect isn’t as important to me as it would be for others. That’s not to say that I am anti social, it just isn’t the place to schmooze for me like it is for many of my other religious brethren.

Perhaps that explains why these Rabbis at the OU and Agudah are more careful than I would be. Their constituency looks to the shul for more than just a place to daven. I understand it but in these times it won’t work.

I have attended numerous semachot (happy occasions) and been at shul for funerals the opposite end of the spectrum. However the shul isn’t a bar or dance club. For some of the frummies or more stridently Yeshivish crowd, the shul is their social life. They don’t go to bars and Starbucks, ballgames etc.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Governors acting like Idi Amin

One of the things that has happened is that these governors and mayors are acting like Monarchs or dictators. This is unprecedented in my lifetime, I never knew that a Governor has the right to enact unlimited fiats and decrees that had no oversight and no time constraints simply because they somehow convinced or fooled a plurality of voters into voting for them. Whatever happened to the opposing party and their views on these matters? Don’t they count as well? I suppose not,

The governors and media people who look away at these tyrannical decrees are the name people who told us four years ago that if we elected Donald Trump that he would be a dictator. Look who’s doing the dictating now. All of the blue governors and mayors.

Friday, May 8, 2020

NFL schedule release pointless

While Many sports fans looking for anything resembling sports we’re enthused with the NFL draft as well as last nights schedule release, it’s almost pointless for the following reasons

1) the season may be delayed significantly by a month or more depending on how the COVID-19 situation plays out particularly in the blue states and cities (NY,IL, MA, CA, etc )

2) more importantly, there may not be fans at the games.

3) disposable income will be much lower than in previous years, look at the unemployment numbers.


Sunday, April 26, 2020

Why I despise this mayor

I really have little respect for Mayor Bill de Blasio. Here is why.

1) He’s a progressive with little tolerance for other viewpoints.
2) He doesn’t lead and delays important decisions such as closing NYC public schools until the last minute

There are others but he is the Keith Olbermann of elected officials. Keith Olbermann is an overly educated arrogant and effete elitist who read a lot of books but doesn’t have common sense. So we have Keith Olbermann in City Hall instead of another Giuliani. Pathetic!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Democrats and Education

It’s time that the local GOP give the Mayors and governors for closed their schools without effective distance learning plans an F and give the, the boot. We’ve taken too much guff from the Democrats on education and it’s time to shove it back in their faces.

Let us who believe in individual choice and the classics the reins to education starting this fall.

It has been assumed that Democrats have the moral high ground and monopoly on the education issue for as long as I can remember. I think that it’s time to put that idea to rest and let the independents and non progressives have a chance starting this fall to take control of education as the Democrats were Ill equipped for a pandemic and crisis and therefore have lost my confidence in their ability to effectively educate young people.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Bottom feeders of sports teams

If and when some of these leagues lose money and some of them have to fold because of the pandemic and recession or depression, which ones would you like to see least?

NFL Lions, Browns, Bengals, Jets, Jags, Cardinals, Texans and Buccaneers

NBA Kings, Clippers, Nuggets Timberwolves, Pelicans Grizzlies, Hawks, Hornets Wizards and Cavaliers

MLB Mariners Angels Padres Rockies Rangers Rays Marlins Reds Pirates and Orioles

NHL Columbus Winnipeg Ottawa Minnesota Arizona Tampa Florida and Buffalo

Monday, March 23, 2020

Notice journalists are essential

With all of the stay at home orders, I’ve noticed that Journalists, particularly the television ones, are always working. I suppose journalism school should see an increase in applications in the next few years. When did they become more important than lawyers and paralegals and their staff?

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Thoughts on Hysteria

In light of the hysteria gripping our country with Corona virus and lockdown. I have some questions.

1) when should one shop for basic groceries
2) can one go outside for fresh air and did so for how long?
3) what about delivery people hospital workers cops firefighters etc what rules apply to them
4) why did the CDC put in such a draconian guideline (8 weeks), 2 weeks maybe 3 should have been sufficient
5) why should I trust anything the media says ever again? Where is the alternatives to abc cbs etc?
Newsmax Fox OAN worth a shot

Also local blue GOP politicians should vow to NEVER work together with people like de Blasio, Cuomo and Inslee AGAIN!!

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Giving up on sports

A letter that I sent to someone about the state of professional sports in 2020

Dear Abc,

I am writing to you because although I am a pro sports fan, I am growing increasingly frustrated with the leftward and uniform progressive tilt that all four sports are trending in. All four of the, (NFL, NBA MLB and NHL ) are guilty of caving to the progressives and lefties.

For example why does the NHL need to celebrate Black History month and tell us about these kids who are playing hockey who are black. It may be nice, but those handful of black hockey players are outnumbered by the number of black kids who play basketball and football.

Another example is the NHL embracing June as Pride month and the last is this idea that NBC sports has to have an all women crew produce and announce a hockey game on March 8th.

Why am I picking on hockey? Because hockey and baseball are less vulnerable (at least in theory) to the whole social justice nonsense plaguing sports.

Yes I can watch people like my nephews play sports at the local Jewish sports league as a hobby. That would be as far as it goes barring a Ted Cruz type takeover of the commissioners office of MLB or the NHL.

No chance in the other two sports, they’re too far left already.

Thank you.

Monday, February 3, 2020

MLB and NHL need new leadership

In my opinion the MLB and NHL which are way way way behind the NBA and NFL  in terms of followers among kids, need to fire their commissioners now., Get some younger people in leadership who are red blooded patriots and know how to market the sport to the “red state” blue collar fan.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Eatablishment media BORING

I find the establishment media (ABC CBS NBC  New York Times, Washington Post, etc.) to be dull lifeless boring and inferior to Fox News. It’s too bad the the jerks at Fox News namely Lachlan Murdoch had to fire Bill O’Reilly  or felt compelled to fire him which was a TERRIBLE MISTAKE. O’Reilly was one of the greatest journalists in the last twenty years and to appease a bunch of yentas was stupid