Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Why I’m ignoring debates

I consciously chose to avoid the debate last night, number one we all know that people are rooting for Biden and the Socialists to win. Two it wasn’t dignified.

More importantly it’s about time that we throw out the Socialist and Marxist mayors and governors like de Blasio and Lightfoot and Bowser. They are horrendous human beings and dictators and Marxists who should be thrown out or captured.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Live and let live

 I saw that whole bunch of people are upset over the death of Former Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg and that the GOP is going to try to replace her before the election and that we should honor her memory.

I don’t agree with her or the other lefties on the Supreme Court. However I don’t dwell on her or the other lefties who want to impose values on my life. Live and let live is my motto. Don’t lecture me about how I should honor her memory. I haven’t really thought about her too much to be honest.  I don’t dwell on Thomas or Alito either.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Canada more like Europe

 Many people consider Canada to be our nicer cousin. While it’s true to an extent they are more risk averse and more like the British and French and other European countries. An example is the Canadian governments refusal to allow an exemption to have the American baseball teams travel to Toronto for the baseball season. They won’t do that but they are happy to have the NHL play in the playoffs in Their bubble cities of Toronto and Edmonton. What that tells me is that they are happy to extend themselves for their sport but not for others. That’s a European mentality. I’d levy sanctions on them.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Republicans need to impeach their governors

 The GOP in the blue states need to do whatever it takes to remove their governors from power PERIOD!

Impeach all of them Pritzker, Cuomo, Lamont, Wolf, Murphy, Newsom, Brown, Inslee, Sislak, Whitmer Northam, Cooper etc. Every god damn one of them is a menace and a tyrant.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Canadians incompetent and inept at hockey

 After this pathetic display of hockey by the Canadian teams in the bubbles of Edmonton and a Toronto I have come to the inescapable conclusion that Canadians are incompetent and inept at hockey in the modern era. How none of their teams are in the final four is beyond me.

They have all of the advantages of playing in their country and they still can’t beat Americans.

How dumb can you be?

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Local television reporting shallow

 The reporting that goes on in many of the local television stations is very shallow and pathetic. CBS 2 New York is particularly egregious in terms of its one sided coverage about the mayor and the virus and government mandates. How the hell did these people become qualified to report news? Where is the balance in their station? Not one conservative or independent at their station. Many women at that network who are glorified eye candy. Get some Republicans on your network.