Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Idle minds produce useless squabbles

One of the by products of the lockdown or shutdown and plunging of millions of Americans into unemployment or reduced hours and wages is lots of idle time. This explains some of the stupid and inane arguments we have in this country and city over monuments, murals, rallies etc. Busy people who are productive and happy (generally speaking) don’t engage in this sort of chatter and nonsense or Bubbea Meises. In Ladino (Judeo-Spanish) which is the language of my mothers parents it’s Bava Jathas.. there’s a stronger term for it but I want to share this post with a wide variety of people.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Covid Coup

Please read this as it explains the whole agenda behind the lockdown and compliance of us “subjects” to our overlords.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Drawing the line

While I will tolerate other points of view, I draw the line at support for white nationalists and anti Semities. If you go anywhere near there, guess what, bye bye Felicia. So if that means that you were one of these columnists and experts on Fox News who likes white nationalism because you want to get back at the open borders like Michelle Malkin does, too bad. I don’t need you in my life and it’s hard enough being a sane Orthodox Jew who doesn’t cave to the left. Don’t make my job harder. I’m sure that there are others like Pat Buchanan and Joe Sonran (who’s deceased). She is the most obvious example. Maybe Ann Coulter but I haven’t cared for Coulter in a long time.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Aliyah for Jews?

Based on the events of the last few months with Coronavirus, social unrest and moral breakdown of the family and community and the Marxist urges of the Mob, maybe it’s time for Frum or Orthodox Jews to consider making Aliyah in the next 12-24 months. Rabbi Berel Wein write a column about how America is undergoing similar disintegration that happened to other empires in world history such as the Roman and Ottoman Empires and the Old Soviet Union. Food for thought on this Erev Shabbos in the Three Weeks after Shiva Assar BiTammuz (17th of Tammuz) when Jerusalem   was sieged by the Romans.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Boycott NY State GOP

I’m considering boycotting the New York State GOP because they have done NOTHING  to stand in the way of the emperor Andrew Cuomo and petty tyrant De Blasio to control the economic engine of New York City and have slowed reopening because “they’re smarter” than us regular folks.

Have any GOP leaders bothered to confront the governor or the mayor on these tyrannical actions? No. So why should I vote for them in November?