Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Giving up on sports

A letter that I sent to someone about the state of professional sports in 2020

Dear Abc,

I am writing to you because although I am a pro sports fan, I am growing increasingly frustrated with the leftward and uniform progressive tilt that all four sports are trending in. All four of the, (NFL, NBA MLB and NHL ) are guilty of caving to the progressives and lefties.

For example why does the NHL need to celebrate Black History month and tell us about these kids who are playing hockey who are black. It may be nice, but those handful of black hockey players are outnumbered by the number of black kids who play basketball and football.

Another example is the NHL embracing June as Pride month and the last is this idea that NBC sports has to have an all women crew produce and announce a hockey game on March 8th.

Why am I picking on hockey? Because hockey and baseball are less vulnerable (at least in theory) to the whole social justice nonsense plaguing sports.

Yes I can watch people like my nephews play sports at the local Jewish sports league as a hobby. That would be as far as it goes barring a Ted Cruz type takeover of the commissioners office of MLB or the NHL.

No chance in the other two sports, they’re too far left already.

Thank you.

Monday, February 3, 2020

MLB and NHL need new leadership

In my opinion the MLB and NHL which are way way way behind the NBA and NFL  in terms of followers among kids, need to fire their commissioners now., Get some younger people in leadership who are red blooded patriots and know how to market the sport to the “red state” blue collar fan.