Sunday, March 8, 2015

Spring Cleaning- not just for Passover

Spring cleaning isn't just about cleaning the house and getting rid of leaven and bread-type foods for the holiday of Passover. It's also about assessing sports media members who have outlived their usefulness. Many of these individuals sound like grumpy old men.

Let's start with the New York Yankees radio team of John Sterling and Suzyn Waldman. They may have been a fun and entertaining duo in the past, but not anymore. I could barely  listen to them this afternoon in the spring training game in Tampa. He doesn't have it and neither does she.

Lest you think that I am just picking on the Yankees radio team, I suggest that the following people retire in the next year.
WFAN: Mike Francesa, John Minko and Bob Heussler
NY Post: Steve Serby and Phil Mushnick. Maybe in 2017 Larry Brooks, Slap Shots isn't particularly compelling, especially when the best position player in NY plays in Long Island.
NY Daily News: Mike Lupica and Bob Raissman. Your columns are like soggy cereal.
Washington Post: John Feinstein.  Add Tony Kornheiser as well.
ESPN: Bob Ley Chris Berman and Dick Vitale.